Threat Intelligence

Military Grade Intelligence, Orchestrated directly into your Existing Security Stack.

Blackwired proactively protects the enterprise from the consequences of a cyber attack; lost revenue, cost of recovery, reputational damage, share price pressure, legacy of secondary ‘sleeper’ attack and inability to procure cyber insurance.
CyberGrape machine with Blackwired dashboard


Blackwired’s technology centers around Zero Day Live, a platform that leverages unique intelligence sources and advanced analytics to provide detailed insights into cyber threats. Zero Day Live delivers actionable intelligence on zero-day vulnerabilities, allowing organizations to take preventative measures before threats can cause harm. The platform offers a native mobile app for on-the-go command and decision-making, ensuring that security teams remain agile and informed.

Zero Day Live integrates with existing security tools, providing real-time threat data and enhancing the return on investment from current security investments. The platform’s machine learning capabilities make dark web data accessible and searchable, offering unmatched coverage and rapid response times. Blackwired’s Watch List feature provides continuous monitoring and risk assessment, helping organizations develop a resilient cybersecurity posture through evidence-based optimization.

The platform’s reports are tailored to provide strategic and operational insights, enabling informed decision-making by security teams and executives. Blackwired’s intelligence is customized to the specific needs of each client, ensuring relevance and effectiveness. With a focus on proactive threat prevention, Blackwired helps organizations stay ahead of adversaries and protect their critical assets from cyber threats.


How it Works

Detect & Protect more threats, earlier than any of the other providers in the industry!

Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats with Proactive Intelligence Solutions

Empowering Organizations with Real-Time, Actionable Insights to Combat Emerging Cyber Threats